Nirvana Pooja for Kala Sarpa Dosham


Nirvana Pooja for Kala Sarpa Dosham

The literal translation of Kala Sarpa Dosham can be understood as the faulty circumstances that arise when one’s time is ordained by the presence of distress - of the evil that one can beget when an angry or a vicious serpent attacks one. Read in the Vedic scriptures of astrology as the Karmic result of the positioning and alignment between Rahu and Ketu, planetary placements in this phase have proven to affect the natives catastrophically and alongside being mindful, performing a Nirvana pooja in the presence of a well learned astrologer can make a significant difference to preventing theworst. Having learned the scriptures from his ancestors, Krishna Rao Guruji has performed the ritual and aided many to get through such difficult phases to thereby earnthe reputation of being trustworthy in providing accurate solutions.